Some may choose to judge me or even condemn what they don’t understand, but when you love something, I mean really love something, can it be wrong?
I don’t believe so.
I’m a Gingerbread Man, and I’m proud to say, I love Gingerbread!! I won’t hide what I am any longer. Call me a Mannibal but how can I resist? The crunch, the sweetness, the gingerificness!
Follow me on my journey of all things gingerbread this holiday season as I taste every single gingerbread item I can get my gingerbread mitts on and then share my reviews with you!!
The Gingerbread Mannibal
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Gingerbread Mannibal Podcast
Episode 26: The Epic Gingerific & Wafflrific SEASON FINAL Extravaganza of 2020 !!
Episode 25: Dastardly Duo
Episode 24: Once Upon a Time...
Episode 23: Double Trouble aka The Mannibal vs The Two Boxed Gingerbreads
Episode 22: Brittle Me This...
Episode 21: Larry Lenny & Mannibal
Don’t Miss An Episode,
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More Merry for your Holidays
2020 GingerbreadMannibal